Healthy Alternatives
Wellness Center, LLC


Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Rd
Rochester, NY 14622

(Located in Seabreeze, Town of Irondequoit)

Services offered by Carol Scheg-Morissette, LMT, RMT, CST (585) 663-6454


  Guided Sound Healing Meditation
The vibration takes you down into a deep state of meditation, automatically and that deep state helps dissolve your worries, and sets you up for a day of enhanced focus, creativity and energy.
Relax and de-stress your body, mind & spirit with the sound of singing bowls and guided imagery. Reduces stress and anxiety.

Wear comfortable clothing and bring your favorite yoga mat, blanket, or pillow.

Every Friday Noon
Fri     Jan           24     12:00PM – 1:00PM
Fri     Jan           31     12:00PM – 1:00PM

Fri     Feb             7     12:00PM – 1:00PM
Fri     Feb           14     12:00PM – 1:00PM

Fri     Feb           21     12:00PM – 1:00PM
Fri     Feb           28     12:00PM – 1:00PM

Cash $25
Pay cash at the door.
RSVP Required at or 663-6454 

Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622.
(Town of Irondequoit, Located in Seabreeze)

Please turn off cell phones. When the meditation ends please stay quietly and peacefully on your mat and take in the healing vibes until everyone has had a chance to experience the Grounding Bowl.

Sound Immersion

A sound bath is a meditative experience where those in attendance are “bathed” in sound waves. These waves are produced by various sources, including healing instruments such as gongs, singing bowls, percussion, chimes, rattles, tuning forks.
Every Monday  6:00PM – 7:00PM

Mon  Jan        27      6:00PM – 7:00PM
Wed  Jan        29     6:00PM – 7:00PM New Moon

Mon  Feb          3      6:00PM – 7:00PM
Feb        10      6:00PM – 7:00PM 
Feb        17      6:00PM – 7:00PM
Feb        24      6:00PM – 7:00PM

Cash $25
Pay cash at the door.
RSVP Required at or 663-6454 

Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622 (Town of Irondequoit, Located in Seabreeze)

Kundalini Yoga & Sound

Kundalini Energy is used to balance the chakras, creating a clear path for energy to rise. By opening and balancing our chakras, we enhance all aspects of our lives and strengthen our internal “survival tools” to manage today’s challenges. We will speak mantras for letting go and feeling better.

We will be practicing kundalini yoga poses to balance your Chakras & empower you. Gentle Stretches, affirmations and breath work for the body and mind. While in the yoga pose you will receive kundalini Reiki & sound healing. The movement in your body will create movement in your life enabling us to reach a higher state of consciousness and mental clarity.

The answers to your own happiness lies within. You will notice your inner world and the changes that are taking place. At the end of the class, we will vibrate with truth. Recommend for individuals who want to improve circulation and decrease stress. Class ends with Sound Bath with Gongs and singing bowls. This is a beginner Kundalini  Yoga.
Morissette is a Reiki Master/Teacher of Usui, Johrei & Kundalini Reiki.

Sat Jan           25,  10:30AM – 11:30AM
Feb            1,  10:30AM – 11:30AM
No Yoga for Sat Feb  8
Feb           15,  10:30AM – 11:30AM
Feb           22,  10:30AM – 11:30AM
Cash $20
Pay cash at the door.

RSVP Required at or 663-6454

Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622 (Town of Irondequoit, Location in


Reiki II Certification Class

Reiki Level II “Practitioner’s Level”

Learn hands-on energy healing for stress reduction, relaxation, balance & harmony for self & others. Reiki Level II, students are given symbols which allow the Reiki energy to perform powerful functions, such as specific mental/emotional/spiritual healing, long distance healing, & enhances intuitive skills. Meditations and hands on practice will enhance your learning.

Receive your Usui Reiki Level 2 Practitioner Attunement, Certificate, Manual, and ongoing Reiki support. A big part of Reiki II is deepening your understanding and connection to Reiki & how you act as a vessel for Reiki. The Chakra system can be used to explain the movement of Reiki energy through your body. Learn how color and crystals can be incorporated into a Reiki treatment.

Receive guidance on becoming a practitioner and setting up a practice. Learn the meaning of symbols and how to use the symbols as an extra tool for healing. Symbols call on extra energy for specific purposes in a treatment.

Reiki Master Instructor Carol Scheg-Morissette has been teaching Reiki to students since 2009. Morissette is a Reiki Master/Teacher of Usui, Johrei, Karuna & Kundalini Reiki.

Sun Jan 26, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Cash: $265
Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622

RSVP Call or Text 585-663-6454

Cacao Ceremony

This ceremony helps us shift into a grounded space, opening our hearts to receive new opportunities. We gather and sit together in a quiet place, sip on cacao, meditate, journal, and open our heart to possibilities. Please bring a journal.

Tue Jan 28, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622

3 minutes from the 590 / 104 expressway

Cash $25
Cash at the door

RSVP is required (585) 663-6454

Angelic New Moon Sound Immersion

Transform fear, anxiety, and old behavioral patterns back to joy, love, peace, balance and harmony with the assistance of the angelic realm and shamanic drumming. You will experience angelic chimes, drumming, glassophone wind instruments, crystal bowls, tuning forks and shamanic drumming.   The sound helps to quiet the mind and can help to free any blocks in the meridians and chakras. It can reduce anxiety, stress, grief, create a more harmonic space for you to heal your body, mind, and spirit.. Glass instruments have a century old tradition due to the attraction of their unique sound quality. It creates a crystal dome of sound.

The pure harmonics create a crystal dome of sound from my sacred space which helps to harmonize and align the chakras and energy centers. you will be carried away by the ancient sounds ,

There will not be any gongs played in this immersion.

Wear comfortable clothing and bring your favorite yoga mat, blanket, or pillow.
Please turn off cell phones. When the Sound Bath ends please stay quietly and peacefully on your mat and take in the healing vibes until everyone has had a chance to experience the Grounding Bowl.

Cash $25
Pay cash at the door.
Wed Jan 29, 6:00PM – 7:00PM
Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Road, Rochester, NY, 14622

RSVP call or text (585) 663-6454

Frequency & Vibration Sound Healing Workshop

• Introduction to Science of Sound & verified effects of Sound Healing
• Learn how Sound effects the Chakras and sinuses.
• Acoustic Therapy & tinnitus
• Documentation on how sound can regulate blood pressure.
• Demonstration How SOUND can be applied in our day to day life to heal & help us with several kinds of physical, mental & emotional disorders.
• Learn how Tuning Forks, Crystal Tibetan and Zen Bowls can improve your health.
• Deep relaxation / Stress Management
• Learn how to apply Sound in your practice.
• End the class by experiencing a Sound Bath with the life-transforming healing power of SOUND.
Carol is a certified teacher of Sound Healing since 2016.
Cash $160.00
Sat Feb 8,  11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622.
RSVP (585) 663-6454 for your $25 deposit



Come join us at noon on Feb 14 at Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center for World Sound Healing day. To sound “AH” for 5 minutes followed by the vibration of the singing bowls for an hour.
Experience the vibratory effect as we sound together for Global Harmonization, planetary peace and healing.
We will help create positive shift and change for our planet on World Sound Healing Day.
Facilitated by Carol Morissette, Certified Sound Healer.
The purpose of World Sound Healing Day is to:
1). Heal Our Planet!
2). Heal Our Waters!
3). Raise Our Consciousness!

Join us on February 14 for the 23th Annual World Sound Healing Day. On this day, many thousands of people through our planet will create Healing Sounds encoded with the energy of Love & Compassion, sending a sonic valentine to the Gaia Matrix, our beloved Mother Earth with the intention of raising the consciousness of all living beings.

Cash $25
Please arrive by 11:45.
Fri,  Feb 14, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622
RSVP Call or Text 585-663-6454

Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center's new location is 4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622.
3 minutes from the 590 / 104 expressway

Reiki I Certification Class

Reiki 1 class description

This class will include the following:
· Learning the history and origin of Reiki
· Overview of how Reiki energy healing works
· How to prepare for giving and receiving Reiki
· Techniques for grounding and breathing
· Treatments and hand positions for self and others
· Anatomy for Reiki
· Reiki attunement
· Hands on Reiki practice on classmates with Reiki Master Teacher.
· Hands on practice for chair Reiki and self treatment.
You will receive a Usui Reiki Level One in the first degree certificate upon completion of the class.
Reiki Master Instructor Carol Scheg-Morissette has been teaching Reiki to students since 2009. Morissette is a Reiki Master/Teacher of Usui, Johrei, Karuna, Seichim, & Kundalini Reiki.

When: Sat March 1,  1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Road, Rochester, NY, 14622

Cash $235
A deposit of $75 is required.
$75 deposit can be paid when you RSVP ( Call or Text 585-663-6454)

Must RSVP Call or Text 585-663-6454

Intro to the Ancient Art of Bone Reading

Learn the ancient art of bone reading. You will learn how to derive meaning from the bones, the animal energies of the bones, about the area they land when tossed, how to care for your bones and adding to your collection. A starter bone kit is included in this class. Instructor Gloria Thayer
Wed March 26, 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Cost $45.00 includes Bone kit
RSVP Required 585-663-6454, limited seating. Must register in advance so I can have bone kits prepared ahead of time.
Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622.
3 minutes from the 590 / 104 expressway


Come join Cristian Mateo and Mercedes Giacaz for a Séance & Messaging Circle and connect with the "Other Side” for Guidance, Clarity and Spiritual Healing. The evening’s event starts and doors lock at 2pm, we recommend arriving by 1:50pm and reservations are advised. $45 per person. We look forward to sharing the gifts the universe and Great Spirit has for you, with hopes it will be a memorable experience for all those who participate.

Sat March 29, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Cash $45.00
RSVP Required 585-663-6454
Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622.
3 minutes from the 590 / 104 expressway

Experience the Aroma of the Oils of the Bible

Learn how these oils were used in ancient times. The Bible, both the New and Old Testaments, contain references to essential oils, incense, ointments, and other aromatics. They were used in religious rituals, for anointing, and for supporting people’s health. It included the essential oils of myrrh, cinnamon, calamus, and cassia as well as pure olive oil. They actually knew how to use all the oils mentioned in the Bible better than we do today.

Sat  April   5,   2:00PM – 4:00PM
Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622 (Town of Irondequoit, Located in Seabreeze)
Cash $30
Limited seating available must RSVP call or text (585) 663-6454


Healthy Alternatives welcomes Kaitlyn a Licensed Mental Health Counselor to the practice.

“My name is Kaitlyn Hamilton and I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor who graduated from St. John Fisher College with years of diverse experience. I am currently treating clients who may be struggling with PTSD, Trauma/Complex trauma, Anxiety, Depression, Low Self-Esteem, and Interpersonal relationships.

I have experience working with ages 18 years and older using a bio-psych-social approach & exploring how these factors impact the human experience. Specific modalities utilized include CBT, EMDR, IFS, ACT, Mindfulness, & Mindful Self-Compassion. Also trained in Reiki & Integrated Energy Therapy® integrating energy work into psychotherapy to also treat the mind, body, soul connection. I use a Strength based, Person-Centered Approach as I believe in meeting all clients where they are at, assisting them and providing them with tools and resources they can use during their therapeutic journey, and most importantly the rest of their lives as they evolve into the most authentic version of themselves. I aid to help increase self-awareness and deepen the understanding of self.

I believe in creating a safe and welcoming environment to all in hopes of fostering healthy connection, self-exploration, growth, and change as you deem fit for you and your journey. I believe in the integration of one’s whole self, acknowledging and befriending the shadow parts while integrating the light to achieve a more whole and integrated sense of self. I hope to create a warm, trusting, and non-judgmental environment for growth and healing. I am honored to get to know you and hear your story.”

Awakening: Befriending Shadows & Integrating Light, LLC


Mommy and Me Spa Day

Children need healing too!

Mommy & Me Spa day (or Daddy).
There is a combo deal for parent &child to receive a relaxing spa treatment.
You can relax in the salt room, ionic foot detox, or experience a vibrational Reiki energy treatment. Children under 10 receive lavender foot detox instead of ionic.
Ionic Detox Foot Bath
Remove toxins, free radicals and body waste products that cause health problems, Clear up skin, Regulate pH levels, Assist weight loss, Inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus & Improve sleep
Reiki is a hands on holistic healing technique. Reiki can boost the immune system to prepare for a surgery and speed healing time afterward. Energy Work can balance on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual.
Halotherapy Salt Room - Salt therapy alleviates respiratory conditions, improves skin ailments, reduces daily stress. Halotherapy requires the breathing of micro-particles of dry pharmaceutical grade salt created by a Halo generator so the salt can penetrate deeply into the system and unleash the natural anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties of salt

Gift Certificates Available

Special:  $35 per person /per service
Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center
4358 Culver Road, Rochester, NY, 14622
Special is valid until May 30th
Limited appointments available, call now to book your time slot!
You can call/text (585)663-6454 to schedule an appointment.



Healthy Alternatives Spa Day:
Book your spa day to release, relax, and rejuvenate. Detox your Mind, Body, and Spirit.

The need for self-care is greater than ever. Give yourself or a love one the opportunity to indulge in a Spa Day
Spa Day for two or more includes:

  • Ionic Foot Detox - Remove toxins, free radicals and body waste products that cause health problems
  • Salt Room - Salt therapy alleviates respiratory conditions, improves skin.
  • Relax on massaging heated lounge chair
  • Your day ends with a guided sound meditation - Reduce Anxiety. Tension and stress

 $95 per person
 A great way to keep your family healthy.
 Call or Text to book your appointment (585) 663-6454

Add on a service for $20
BioMat,     Reiki,    Healy (Pain or Beauty Treatment)


Healthy Alternatives offers In Person or Remote Healing

In this time of social distancing and the need to stay safe, I am excited to offer remote healing. Energy transcends time and space, so it is just as effective in person as it is at a distance.

Energy Work can balance on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual. It can be very effective in assisting an individual who is sick or has suffered emotional trauma.

Healthy Alternatives is offering in person or long distance Healing. You can call/text (585)663-6454 or email to schedule an appointment with me online, over Zoom or by phone for Sound Healing, Reiki, or Integrated Energy Therapy.

IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) IET is a Gentle heart centered therapeutic touch therapy to certain acupressure points on the body. Removes emotional trauma and energy blocks deep in the body tissues. $95/ hour

Reiki is a hands on holistic healing technique. Reiki can boost the immune system to prepare for a surgery and speed healing time afterward. $95/ hour

Sound Healing can reduce stress, anxiety, sinuses, and lower blood pressure. Sound energy healing focuses on creating vibrations, which affect overall health, Sound can be a powerful tool in the healing process.. Verified effects of Sound Healing are: Increases cancer survival rates & reduces pain in chronic sufferers Reduced Blood Pressure, Reduced Heart rate, Respiration Rates, Depression, Migraines, Pain, and Increased Oxygen Intake. $95/ hour

Healthy Alternatives offers Remote Healing for Pets

Distance healing can be even more effective for pets for a few reasons. Animals can feel threatened or very curious when a new person enters their territory, which can result in them refusing the energy session or being very distracted. With a distance session, the animal does not experience the stress of traveling or the distraction of meeting a new person, which can result in a far more effective treatment. This can reduce stress on the owner as well, that your furry friend could otherwise pick up on.

Energy Work can balance on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual. While it can be very effective in assisting an unwell animal, it can also be very beneficial for animals who suffered emotional trauma or who struggle to get along with other humans or animals. Energy Work can promote relaxation and well being for you and your pet.

IET (Integrated Energy Therapy) IET is a Gentle heart centered therapeutic touch therapy to certain acupressure points on the body. Removes emotional trauma and energy blocks deep in the body tissues. $95/ hour

Reiki is a hands on holistic healing technique. Reiki can boost the immune system to prepare for a surgery and speed healing time afterward. $95/ hour

Healthy Alternatives is offering in person or long distance Remote Healing. You can call/text (585)663-6454 or email to schedule an appointment with me online, over Zoom or by phone for Reiki or Integrated Energy Therapy for your pet.


Individual Sound Healing Session  

During a individual Sound Healing Session you will be fully clothed on a massage table and will receive Chakra Balancing with Sound and Vibration. It is massage at the molecular level. Sound creates vibrations which assist in the healing process. The sound emanating from the crystal singing bowls affects our frequency. It can reduce stress, anxiety, sinuses, and lower blood pressure

By appointment at Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center

Call or text for appointment 585-663-6454

Individual Sound Healing Session regular $95 / 1 hr



Schedule Your Ionic Detox Foot Bath


Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center


Benefits of Ionic Detox

  • Remove toxins, free radicals and body waste products that can cause health problems
  • Regulate  pH levels. Approximately 95% of people experience a state of acidity in which their blood pH is lower than 7.45, indicating an excess of hydrogen ions. This makes an ideal breeding ground for worms, parasites, microorganisms and other critters that lower body function and cause disease.
  • Inactivate viruses, bacteria, yeast and fungus
  • Relieve pain and tension including headaches
  • Purify the blood and lymph
  • Stimulate and balance the immune system
  • Enhance nutrient absorption
  • Reduce inflammation and unwanted fluid retention
  • Help clear up skin
  • Assist in weight loss
  • Slow down aging and improve body flexibility
  • Quicken recovery time from disease or injury
  • Increase oxygen in the body
  • Rejuvenate and energize your whole body
  • Improve sleep


It only takes 30 mins!
Cost: $35

How Does  Ionic Foot Detox System Work?

The health benefits of negative ions are well known. When water is ionized and split into H+ and OH- ions, these ions are able to enter the body through the 4,000 large pores of the feet. Then the circulatory and lymphatic systems transport the ions throughout the body. These ions neutralize oppositely charged toxins in the cells that are normally slow to exit the body. In this way, all the body's organs can become energized and stimulated to function optimally. The body then rids itself of these toxins through its normal processes of urination, defecation and sweating.


The Art of Healing

This book is about overcoming obstacles both physical and spiritual.

It will help you change your attitude to one of gratitude and see the good within the turmoil. 

The Art of Healing
Available now at Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center

or Contact Carol for the ebook (585) 663-5464

Local Author Carol Scheg-Morissette

Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center


I discovered the power of healing in 2003 when my health declined. My medical condition led me to look for a alternative cure that traditional medicine wasn't able to offer. This experience changed my vibration and led me to my spiritual path. Discover the modalities and. Protocols that helped me to heal. Keep your vibration high. If we go within and heal ourselves at our heart center we can radiate self love out to the world. By helping others we heal ourselves.




Intuitive Psychic Readings

Intuitive Psychic Readings
Tarot card decks of many types
Cristian’s readings include card decks of many types. He is guided and assisted by spirit in his readings. His hope with these workings is to bring hope, healing and love to all of us in these difficult times. Cristian looks forward to assisting you as you walk your life’s path and spiritual journey.
Cristian is available by appointment only


Intuitive Tarot and tea leaf readers available by appointments
Dawn is a 3rd generation tea leaf Reader. It is her belief that we are always free to change our pathways. Her intention is to share what she perceives as you make your way!
Price: $45/30 mins Friday 1:30pm-3:30pm
Wednesday 3:00pm-7:00pm
Saturday 1pm-4pm

Cristian’s readings include card decks of many types. He is guided and assisted by spirit in his readings. His hope with these workings is to bring hope, healing and love to all of us in these difficult times. Cristian looks forward to assisting you as you walk your life’s path and spiritual journey.  By Appointment only

Price: $65/50 mins. Cash price $60/50 mins    

Paula is an intuitive who connects to your Akashic Record to gain insight on your soul’s journey. The 5th dimensional space of the Akashic Record can be used for clearing what no longer serves you and provide insight into how it is affecting your current incarnation. A one-hour session is $100 and one and a half hours is $150.
Price: $100/60 mins
Saturday’s by appointment (585) 663-6454
East / West Astrology readings.  Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday 12:00 - 6:00.  20 minutes $20

Call or text (585) 663-6454 to reserve your time Healthy Alternatives Wellness Center, 4358 Culver Rd, Rochester, NY 14622.


Healthy Alternative continues to be very diligent in our cleaning policies and keeping up with the CDC recommendations and providing you a safe place for meditation.
Due to cold and flu season it may be best if you bring your own mat, pillow & blanket.

please stay home if you are feeling unwell. We will be here for you when you are better! We will send you good vibes!

RSVP Required at or 663-6454




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